
Postać Mikołajak Kopernika na tle kopuły Planetrium

547th Birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus in Olsztyn

  • 19.02.2020
  • Olsztyn Planetarium, Piłsudskiego Avenue 38, Olsztyn
We invite you to the 547th BIRTHDAY OF Nicholaus Copernicus, which will take place in the Olsztyn Planetarium. The program includes, i.a. exhibition opening.
Panorama Fromborka na pierwszym planie Katedra, w tle widok na zalew wiślany

Celebration of the 547th birthday anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus in Frombork.

  • 19.02.2020
  • Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Andrew the Apostle, Katedralna Street 8
The celebration of the 547th birthday anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus will take place on February 19, 2020 in Frombork. The program includes Holy Mass, laying flowers at the tomb of Nicolaus Copernicus, a lecture entitled: "Nicolaus Copernicus - the great economist" and a concert of the Elbląg Ch